The 44th Annual Dakota Conference is on the horizon. The conference will be held in the CWS Fantle Building on the Augustana College campus April 27-28. The Call for Proposals for Wounded Knee 1973: Forty Years Later deadline is Friday, Feb. 10.
In observance of the 40th anniversary of the occupation of Wounded Knee in 1973, the Center for Western Studies is seeking papers that will address questions related to Wounded Knee 1973, the 1890 massacre, as well as any and all aspects of Northern Plains American Indian history and culture.

As always, papers on any subject related to Northern Plains history, literature, art, and archeology are welcome. Dakota Conference proposals are due on or before Friday, Feb. 10.
Please contact Center for Western Studies' Director of Outreach and Promotion Tim Hoheisel at 605.274.4005 if you have questions about the Dakota Conference or the Interpretations of Wounded 1973 and 1890 art exhibition. For more information, please visit the Center for Western Studies' Website.
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