Wounded Knee the Museum, Wall South Dakota closed 
May 2020 due to the COVID issues and discontinued opening in 2023 
due to lack of employees. 

Our future plans continue to include considering 
moving to the Black Hills area.

During this hiatus, we continued to provide 40” x 20” matted framed 
prints created by a local university including adding the name 
“Welcome to Lakota Country”. 

“Welcome to Lakota Country”

We provide prints at no cost to Lakota owned and operated
businesses and reservation educational facilities and offices.

The museum has attended approximately 13 conferences 
over the years that have focused on the 1868 Treaty 
and it's abrogation by the United States. 

This research and with approval of Treaty Chiefs and others, 
is preparing our anticipated move to the Black Hills 
with Wounded Knee Museum and the 
creation of a Treaty Education Center.  
