For more information or to enter please call;
605-455-2685 or e-mail
Liz Fisher
Events Director
Pine Ridge Area Chamber
Of Commerce

Wounded Knee Museum will be reopening summer of 2017
After the fire in September 2012, The Wounded Knee Museum exhibits were reconstructed and displayed at a temporary location, but will be returning to their original location in Wall, South Dakota with an expected opening date of May 2017. We will be expanding our displays and exhibits. The Wounded Knee Museum opened in 2003 to share the events leading to the massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890.
We appreciate your continued support, understanding and prayers during this transition of rebuilding. We look forward to seeing you in 2017!
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access the South Dakota
2014 Powwow schedule
Is this going to be an annual poker run...I'm jazzed about this and only wished I could have discovered this before it was over. I seen an article after the fact in the West River Eagle. Did it go well? I hope so. I'm very interested in this poker run and hope it'll be available next year.
As far as i know will be available next year too , would gladly be there
intresting work
Thanks for sharing information.
nice work.
Thanks for this information.
I'm very interested in this poker run and hope it'll be available next year.
nice post.
i love reading poker blogs and also playing online poker games at various online poker sites. thanks for your cool info.
hey there nice post. i keep on reading different gaming and entertainment blogs for news & updates about the industry and the upcoming competitors...keep on writing and sharing.
Thanks for your cool info.
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