Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Would you like to Provide a Helping Hand?

Many times visitors to the museum ask , "How Can I Help" ? While there are many organizations that provide assistance to the reservations in South Dakota and we are grateful to them all, one stands out because they focus on helping statewide. Native American Heritage Foundation Association (NAHA) of Rapid City, South Dakota, with the guidance of David Meyers has a crew that brings a passion to helping our Native American friends.

NAHA was started in 1993 by David G. Myers after a visit to the Reservations in South Dakota.

After seeing the plight and conditions that Native Americans were trying to cope with on a daily basis, Mr. Myers knew he had to do something to help them. So the mission began to help as many Native American families and children on the Crow Creek, Lower Brule, Pine Ridge and Rosebud Reservations with basic life necessities and self-help programs. Over the years, they have provided much needed hope and dignity to many of the deserving Native Americans that needed a helping hand.
Check out their website and give Tim a call to ask how you can help in their mission. 605-341-9110