Friday, January 8, 2010

Wounded Knee Memorial Motorcycle Run

Make Your Reservations NOW!

Lodging Accommodations

(WKMMRun Route)

Mandan/Bismarck, ND – approx. 40 miles north of Prairie Knights

Standing Rock

Prairie Knights Casino and Lodge                                    Prairie Knights Marina for camping
7932 Hwy 24                                                            7932 Hwy 24
Fort Yates North Dakota 58538                                    Fort Yates North Dakota 58538
Phone: 701-854-7777                                                Phone: 701-854-7777
Toll Free: 1-800-425-8277                                                Toll Free: 1-800-426-8277
Fax: 701-854-7786                                                            Fax: 701-854-7786
Email:                        Email:                                    Web Site:

Grand River Casino and Resort
P.O. Box 639
Mobridge South Dakota 57601
Phone: 605-845-7104
Toll Free: 1-800-475-3321
Fax: 605-845-3880

The Bay for camping and small cabins
Jct. Hwy 12 & 1806
Mobridge South Dakota 57601
Phone: 605-845-7106
Toll Free: 1-800-475-3321
Fax: 605-845-7105
Web Site:

Mobridge, SD

East Side Motel & Cabins                                                Mo Rest Motel

510 7th Ave. N.                                                            706 W. Grand Crossing

Mobridge, SD  57601                                                Mobridge, SD  57601

605-845-7867                                                            605-845-3668

Wrangler Motor Inn

820 W. Grand Crossing

Mobridge, SD  57601

605-845-3641 or 1-800-341-8000

Cheyenne River

Cheyenne River Motel                                                Harding Motel

P.O. Box 180                                                                        P.O. Box 1578

Hwy 212                                                                        N. Hwy 212

Eagle Butte, SD  57625                                                Eagle Butte, SD 57625

605-964-8888                                                            605-964-2448/2449

Faith, SD - approx. 42 miles west of Eagle Butte

Prairie Vista Inn                                                            Branding Iron Motel

Hwy 212                                                                        Hwy 212

P.O. Box 575                                                                        Faith, SD  57626

Faith, SD  57626                                                            605-967-2662


Pine Ridge

Prairie Wind Casino                                                             Blacktail Deer Creek B&B 

(between Oglala and Oelrich on Hwy 18)            (across from Prairie Wind Casino) 

605-867-2683 or 800-705-WIND                                    605-535-2162                          

Lakota Prairie Ranch Resort                                      Wakpamni B&B

(6 miles west of Kyle on BIA 2)                                      (east of the village of Pine Ridge

605-455-2555                                                            and 3 miles east of the jct of hwys. 18 & 391)                                                605-288-1800


Badlands Ranch Resort,                                                 Circle View Guest Ranch

(5 miles south of Interior on Hwy 44)                          (5 miles west of Interior on Hwy 44) 

877-433-5599                                                            605-433-5582                          

Crossroads Inn (Martin, SD)                                    Lakota Travel Lodge (Martin, SD)

605-685-1070 or 1-888-315-2378                                    605-685-6543

Nebraskaland Motel (Rushville, Nebraska)              Antlers Motel (Rushville, Nebraska) 

308-327-2487                                                            308-327-2929

Hacienda Motel (Gordon, Nebraska)                          Western Sands Motel (Gordon, Nebraska)

308-282-0075 or 303-282-1400                                    308-282-1795

JEFCO Inn (Gordon, Nebraska) 

308-282-2935 or 308-282-2395

Sunday, January 3, 2010

YouTube Wounded Knee

This is from You Tube, movie about Wounded Knee